Cardfight!! Vanguard Fated Clash Booster Pack

RRP: 3.99
Now €4.54(SAVE 9%)
RRP €4.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2024
This product is limited to 3 per customer.
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-BUSVGEDZBT01-SP Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Featured Nations
Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia, Lyrical Monasterio

Card Types
Total 146 types of cards [138 New cards + 8 Reissue cards]
(RRR: 18 types / ORR: 8 types / RR: 24 types / R: 24 types / C: 72 types)
+ Energy Card: 1 type (T: 1 type) + Parallels
※Energy cards are used to keep track of Energy
※”Energy Generator” from VGE-DZ-TD01~06 is not included in this product.

1 pack contains 7 random cards
1 display contains 16 packs
2 cards in every pack will definitely be R or above cards!!