Monopoly: London Underground (Refresh)

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RRP €40.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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Monopoly moves from the streets of London to the London Underground! It was dark blue for Mayfair and red for the Strand. But now, it is dark blue for the Piccadilly Line and red for the Central Line! Underground Monopoly cleverly matches the classic coloured property squares to the stations and line colours of the world famous Tube map, offering you a great opportunity to navigate your way around London building your property empire as you collect Underground stations. London Underground is the most famous subway system in the world and it is also the oldest, first opening in 1863, when a service ran from Paddington to Farringdon. The first trains ran on steam, and it would be another twenty-seven years before the world’s first electric train ran on the City and South London Railway, which now forms part of the Northern line.