Dodos Riding Dinos – Dodo Dash

RRP: $40.00
Now $50.52
RRP $50.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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A standalone game with more Dodos Riding Dinos characters and tracks that integrates with the original game._x000D_ _x000D_ This expansion features a new way to interact with your Dodo as a projectile._x000D_ _x000D_ In this racing-dexterity game, players throw projectiles to impede the other players from reaching the finish line first. Flick eggs, throw bananas, drop meteorites and…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZKS-DODODINODASH Availability Available to Pre-Order
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A standalone game with more Dodos Riding Dinos characters and tracks that integrates with the original game._x000D_
This expansion features a new way to interact with your Dodo as a projectile._x000D_
In this racing-dexterity game, players throw projectiles to impede the other players from reaching the finish line first. Flick eggs, throw bananas, drop meteorites and more!_x000D_
During the scheming phase, all players choose a card from their hand and play it facedown. Aggressive cards (red) are stronger than normal cards (blue) but if too many players choose an Aggressive card, their effects will be cancelled._x000D_
In the running phase, players resolve their cards in turn order. Advancing towards the finish line and resolving effects. Reaction cards (green) can be played to react in between turns._x000D_
At the end of the round, the player in the lead advances 1 hex while the rest draw 1 card._x000D_
Make sure to keep cards in your hand, otherwise you will have to go back. Projectiles is the surest way to damage your opponents or forcing their Racer to go back._x000D_
Each board has a unique dynamic that will make the experience very different.