Pokemon TCG: Iono Premium Tournament Collection

RRP: $39.99
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RRP $50.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2024
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’Ello, ’ello, hola! Ciao and bonjour! Levincia Gym Leader and mega-influencer Iono can catch your opponent in her Electroweb to help you make a huge comeback—and this competition-ready set comes with a full playset for your next deck! You’ll also find card sleeves, a deck box, and a collectible coin featuring Iono, along with booster packs, dice, and other accessories for playing the Pokémon TCG.

The Pokémon TCG: Iono Premium Tournament Collection includes:

1 full-art foil Supporter card featuring Iono
3 additional foil Supporter cards featuring Iono
65 card sleeves featuring Iono
A sturdy deck box featuring Iono
A large metallic coin featuring Iono
2 coin condition markers
6 tournament-ready damage dice
6 Pokémon TCG booster packs
Each booster pack contains 10 cards and either 1 Basic Energy or 1 VSTAR marker. Cards vary by pack. Packs vary by product.
A code card for Pokémon TCG Live