Fantasy World Creator: Dark Castle

RRP: 33.99
Now €32.92(SAVE 17%)
RRP €39.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2024
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Dark Castle is the expansion of Dungeon & Town that allows you to build an entire castle including walls, towers and accessories. Fully compatible with all parts of Dungeon&Town. 1 Castle Gate + Drawbridge 1 Royal Hall 6 Castle Walls 4 Castle Towers 8 Armor and Weapon Racks 10 War Machines 24 Columns & Statues 45 Stands
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-GAMFDC Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Dark Castle is the expansion of Dungeon & Town that allows you to build an entire castle including walls, towers and accessories. Fully compatible with all parts of Dungeon&Town.

1 Castle Gate + Drawbridge
1 Royal Hall
6 Castle Walls
4 Castle Towers
8 Armor and Weapon Racks
10 War Machines
24 Columns & Statues
45 Stands